Hinxton Church

Hinxton Village Church.
Hinxton is fortunate to have a very delightful 13th Century Grade 2* listed church dedicated to St. Mary and St John. Hinxton is in the diocese of Ely and shares a Vicar with the parishes of Duxford and Ickleton. Main services rotate around the three churches and it’s on the 3rd Sunday of the month that the 10 am Parish Communion service is held in Hinxton using a modern language service. On the second Sunday of each month there is an 8.00 am service of Holy Communion, also in Hinxton, using the Book of Common Prayer.
In recent years the village has been very supportive of the church by contributing to several major renovation projects. This means that the church is in a good state of repair but like all mediaeval buildings will keep the members of the church and the village busy with continued care and maintenance programmes.
The church is always kept unlocked in the daytime – mostly 9.00 am to 6.30 pm – but in winter may be locked earlier. Villagers and visitors alike are very welcome to enjoy the peace and serenity of the building at their leisure.
The current vicar is Rev Lydia Smith who resides at the vicarage in Duxford..
The Churchwardens are Mrs Margaret Malcolm and Andrew Walker who both reside in Hinxton.