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Local Planning

We will post new planning applications and updates, as and when we receive notifications from SCDC Planning Department.

Please note: we cannot accept any responsibility for the absence of any proposals for which we receive no notification. 


Local Planning Authority: South Cambridgeshire District Council
Proposal: Submission of details required by partial discharge of condition 5 (Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP)) of planning permission 23/00482/FUL
Site address: Wellcome Trust Genome Campus Cambridge Road Hinxton
Reference: 23/00482/COND5

Public Access link:


Local Planning Authority: South Cambridgeshire District Council
Proposal: Single storey link extension
Site address: Hinxton Grange Cambridge Road Hinxton
Reference: 24/04312/HFUL
Public Access Link:


Local Planning Authority: South Cambridgeshire District Council
Proposal: S73 to vary condition 2 (approved drawings) of ref: 21/05635/LBC (Single storey sunroom extension) for revised roof design and fenestration
Site address: Hinxton Grange Cambridge Road Hinxton
Reference: 24/03821/S19LB
Public Access Link:


Local Planning Authority: South Cambridgeshire District Council
Proposal: Single storey front extension.
Site address: 101 High Street Hinxton Cambridgeshire
Reference: 24/03712/HFUL
Public Access Link:


Local Planning Authority: South Cambridgeshire District Council
Proposal: S19 to vary condition 2 (Approved Plans) of listed building consent 23/04442/LBC (AHU renewal and associated pipework to the externals of the Hinxton Hall at Wellcome Genome Campus) for alterations to the parapet wall to suitably accommodate the pipework.
Site address: Residential Training Centre Hinxton Hall Cambridge Road
Reference: 24/03345/S19LB
Public Access Link:


Local Planning Authority: South Cambridgeshire District Council
Proposal: Approval of appearance, landscape, layout and scale in respect of strategic green, grey and blue infrastructure and the construction of an undercroft car park and associated accesses at the Wellcome Genome Campus Expansion (S/4329/18/OL) comprising: internal Gateway Loop, Commercial Loop and minor components of the internal residential street network, junctions and turning heads including bus layby area, land reprofiling including creation of the undercroft car park and all associated works and elevated central Green open space, utilities infrastructure including alignment of service runs and substations and connections to existing utilities, foul and surface water drainage infrastructure including reconciliation of A1301 highway drainage, foul pumping station and connection to existing foul main, lighting for the public realm and streets, strategic green infrastructure, open space and public realm including landscape terraces, ecological mitigation, planting, play features, Active Travel routes, footways / cycleways and necessary bridge structures, boundary treatments, drainage features, street furniture, and all associated engineering and plant, enabling and construction activity including interim access works including temporary turning areas and interim pedestrian, cycle and emergency access route, any necessary temporary stockpiling of construction materials, areas for construction use, temporary haul routes and any necessary demolition, and part discharge of Condition 17, in respect of the Development Brief accompanying this submission.
Site address: Wellcome Trust Genome Campus Cambridge Road Hinxton
Reference: 24/01226/REM
Public Access link:


Local Planning Authority:
Proposal: Submission of details required by condition 20 (Phasing) of outline planning permission S/4329/18/OL
Site address: Wellcome Trust Genome Campus Cambridge Road Hinxton
Reference: S/4329/18/COND20

Public Access link:

The key document which sets out the U&C case to request discharge of Condition 20 is HERE

Covering letter HERE.


Local Planning Authority: South Cambridgeshire District Council
Proposal: No description was supplied by the Portal
To facilitate the installation of the new sewer main it is necessary to remove 9m of hedgerow between grid references TL 49334 46709 and TL
49343 46712 (W3W: regress.sparks.moon and This removal will enable access along the working strip for both
enabling (archaeology investigation) and main construction works.
Site address: Land To The South-west And East Of Hinxton Grange Cambridge Road Hinxton
Reference: 24/02447/TTHR
Public Access Link:


Local Planning Authority: South Cambridgeshire District Council
Proposal: Remove existing Holly bushes (12.5 metres) and replace them with a new dwarf Red Robin hedge or something similar
Site address: 5 Duxford Road Hinxton Cambridgeshire
Reference: 24/0685/TTCA
Public Access link:


Local Planning Authority: South Cambridgeshire District Council
Proposal: Reserved Matters Approval of access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale of Parcel A (as defined in the approved Wellcome Genome Campus Strategic Design Guide) for the development of 83 residential units and associated and ancillary floorspace, including plant, consisting of 4,744 sqm. (GEA) mixed use floor space including a health and leisure facility (4,164 sqm. (GEA)) Use Class E, a cafe (580 sqm. (GEA)) Use Class E and ancillary floorspace including plant, courtyard garden, details of landscaping for part of the A1301 terraces, details of the continuation and eastern landing of the northern bridge, architectural marker, lighting, hard and soft landscaping works, pedestrian and cycle access, servicing access, drainage infrastructure, roof mounted solar array, associated engineering and ground remodelling works, and part discharge of Condition 17.
Site address: Wellcome Trust Genome Campus Cambridge Road Hinxton
Reference: 24/02106/REM
Public Access Link:


Local Planning Authority: South Cambridgeshire District Council
Proposal: Non material amendment on permission 22/03615/REM for minor amendments to the approved scheme including minor Footway and Cycleway connections and access, revised tree and hedgerow removal, Infiltration basins, landscaping to roundabouts, changes to the wording of conditions 2 and 3 of the reserved matters approval, and of previously approved non-material amendment 22/03615/NMA1
Site address: Wellcome Trust Genome Campus Cambridge Road Hinxton
Reference: 22/03615/NMA3

Public Access link:

A ‘Discharge of Planning Condition’ application has been made to the  Local Planning Authority: South Cambridgeshire District Council
Proposal: Submission of details required by condition 64 (Parking Strategy) of outline planning permission S/4329/18/OL
Site address: Wellcome Trust Genome Campus Cambridge Road Hinxton
Reference: S/4329/18/COND64
Public Access link:

The key document  can be found here:


Local Planning Authority: South Cambridgeshire District Council
Proposal: Non material amendment on permission 22/03615/REM for minor amendments to the approved scheme including additional refuge crossing, road widening, Landscaping works, amendments to approved Infiltration basin, and other foot/cycle path alignment works.
Site address: Wellcome Trust Genome Campus Cambridge Road Hinxton
Reference: 22/03615/NMA2
Public Access link:

A Non-Material Amendment (NMA) to the extant planning permission regarding works to and in the vicinity of the A1301 near the village has been submitted to the planning authority.

It describes developments to the work already in progress and the accompanying diagrams show that an additional pedestrian/cyclist crossing on the A1301 is to be positioned at the top of North End Road, as well as details of the footpath to link the southern end of the village to the new bridge across into the communal facilities part of the expansion site, also trees on the new roundabout etc.

An overview of the NMA and its rationale is to be found HERE. 



South Cambridgeshire District Council Application for Planning Permission

Description: Sub-division of the existing residential curtilage of 64 High Street, Hinxton and erection of 1No. new dwelling, following demolition of the existing garage block. New dwelling to be accessed via existing access from Hunts Lane.
Address: Glebe House 64 High Street Hinxton
Reference: 24/00457/FUL
Further to previous correspondence relating to the above matter I write to inform you that this application was Granted Permission on 4 April 2024.


Local Planning Authority: South Cambridgeshire District Council
Proposal: Tree: 629 - Wild Cherry Prunus avium - Prune From buildings/structure/tree by 2.0
Tree: 630 Wild Cherry Prunus avium - Remove broken branch at approximately 4m. Remove crossing/rubbing limb at approximately 2m back to the main stem.
Tree: 631 Wild Cherry Prunus avium - Raise low canopy To 2.0m . Comment: Low crown obscuring access to neighbouring graves.
Tree: 635 - Wild Cherry Prunus avium - Raise low canopy To 2.0m Low crown obscuring access to neighbouring graves.
Tree: 638 Sycamore Acer pseudoplatanus - Raise low canopy To 2.5m
Tree: 642 - Wild Cherry Prunus avium - Raise low canopy To 2.5m: Low crown obscuring access to neighbouring graves
Tree: 651 Apple Malus - Remove Minor dead wood (Notification not required).
Site address: St Mary And St Johns Church Church Green Hinxton
Reference: 23/1554/TTPO

Local Planning Authority: South Cambridgeshire District Council
Proposal: Redecoration of two alcoves within Hinxton Hall and addition of exhibition graphics.
Site address: Hinxton Hall Cambridge Road Hinxton
Reference: 24/00469/LBC
Public Access Link:


Local Planning Authority: South Cambridgeshire District Council
Proposal: T1 = Large Walnut Tree - Reduce Crown by 2 metres
T2 = Horse Chestnut - Reduce crown by 1.5 metres
Site address: 47 High Street Hinxton Cambridgeshire
Reference: 24/0226/TTCA
Public Access link:

Local Planning Authority: South Cambridgeshire District Council
Proposal: Sub-division of the existing residential curtilage of 64 High Street, Hinxton and erection of 1No. new dwelling, following demolition of the existing garage block. New dwelling to be accessed via existing access from Hunts Lane.
Site address: Glebe House 64 High Street Hinxton
Reference: 24/00457/FUL
Public Access Link:


Local Planning Authority: South Cambridgeshire District Council
Proposal: Submission of details requird by condition 7 ((Construction Environmental Management Plan) of reserved matters application 22/03615/REM
Site address: Wellcome Trust Genome Campus Cambridge Road Hinxton
Reference: 22/03615/COND7

Public Access link:


Local Planning Authority: South Cambridgeshire District Council
Proposal: Submission of details required by condition 5 (Construction Traffic Management Plan) of reserved matters application 22/03615/REM
Site address: Wellcome Trust Genome Campus Cambridge Road Hinxton
Reference: 22/03615/COND5

Public Access link:


Local Planning Authority: South Cambridgeshire District Council
Proposal: Certificate Of Lawfulness Under S192 for installation of solar PV panels to the rear roof.
Site address: 39 High Street Hinxton Cambridgeshire
Reference: 23/03400/CL2PD

Public Access link:


Local Planning Authority: South Cambridgeshire District Council
Proposal: Part single storey, part two storey rear extensions including alterations. Single storey porch extension to front. Resubmission of 23/02331/HFUL
Site address: 4 Hinxton Grange Cottage Cambridge Road Hinxton
Reference: 23/03373/HFUL
Public Access Link:


Local Planning Authority: South Cambridgeshire District Council
Proposal: Submission of details required by condition 7 (Enabling and Associated Works ) of outline planning permission S/4329/18/OL
Site address: Wellcome Trust Genome Campus Cambridge Road Hinxton
Reference: S/4329/18/COND7C
Public Access Link:

Local Planning Authority: South Cambridgeshire District Council
Proposal: S73 to vary condition 2 (drawings) of ref: 22/01048/FUL (Erection of storage barn and stable (resubmission of approval ref 21/04206/FUL) to show revised fenestration, provision of solar panels to roof space and include actual ground levels.
Site address: Hinxton Grange, Churchfield House Cambridge Road Hinxton
Reference: 23/03236/S73
Public Access Link:


The following planning application was considered by the South Cambridgeshire District Council Planning Committee on 09 August 2023:

Construction of two bridges and all associated structures, ramped walkways, stairs, lifts, boundary wall, footway and cycle paths, lighting, utilities, construction access, construction compound, hard and soft landscaping works, planting, tree removal, earthworks, drainage infrastructure, surface water drainage features and all necessary enabling works and demolitions - Application Number 23/00482/FUL.  This application had been called in for consideration in committee at the request of Hinxton Parish Council with the support of local District Councillor Peter McDonald.  The Chairman of Hinxton Parish Council (Cllr Sam Nichols) attended the meeting, together with Cllrs Chris Elliott and Hugh Taylor, and made personal representation against approval with particular reference to the building of 2 bridges across the A1301, one being relatively close to the village, as opposed to one central bridge. By majority vote, the Planning Committee decided to approve - full details of the planning application are to be found at HERE.

Full details of the planning meeting, together with a video recording, are to be found at :


Reference: 23/02331/HFUL

Proposal: Part single storey, part two storey rear extension with pitched and flat roofs and including alterations. Single storey porch extension to front.

Site address: 4 Hinxton Grange Cottage Cambridge Road Hinxton Cambridgeshire

Further to previous correspondence relating to the above matter I write to inform you that the applicant has asked for the application to be withdrawn.


Reference: 23/02192/LBC

Proposal: Installation of a curved single rail stairlift.

Site address: 105 High Street Hinxton Cambridgeshire CB10 1RF

Further to previous correspondence relating to the above matter I write to inform you that this application was Granted Permission.


Reference: 23/00644/FUL

Proposal: Erection of 3 (2no 1bed, 1no 2bed) holiday cottages and change of use and relocation of stables approved by S/3824/17/FUL

Site address: Land West Of Hinxton Grange Cambridge Road Hinxton Cambridgeshire

Further to previous correspondence relating to the above matter I write to inform you that this application was Granted Permission.


Local Planning Authority: South Cambridgeshire District Council
Proposal: Submission of details required by condition 21 (Design Guide) of planning permission S/4329/18/OL
Site address: Wellcome Genome Campus Hinxton Saffron Walden Cambridgeshire CB10 1RQ
Reference: S/4329/18/COND21
Public Access link:


South Cambridgeshire District Council

Application for Planning Permission

Local Planning Authority: South Cambridgeshire District Council
Proposal: Part single storey, part two storey rear extension with pitched and flat roofs and including alterations. Single storey porch extension to front.
Site address: 4 Hinxton Grange Cottage Cambridge Road Hinxton
Reference: 23/02331/HFUL
Public Access Link:


South Cambridgeshire District Council
Application for Planning Permission

Local Planning Authority: South Cambridgeshire District Council
Proposal: Certificate of lawfulness under S191 for the continued use of land as a residential garden.
Site address: 33 High Street Hinxton Cambridgeshire
Reference: 23/02342/CLUED
Public Access link:


South Cambridgeshire District Council
Application for Planning Permission

Local Planning Authority: South Cambridgeshire District Council
Proposal: Installation of a curved single rail stairlift.
Site address: 105 High Street Hinxton Cambridgeshire
Reference: 23/02192/LBC
Public Access Link:
